Stretch your ring finger with your thumb and hold it for a few seconds. You’ll love the reason!


Do you think it’s potential to get a state of peace and harmony just with our hands? Here, we’ll introduce to you what can happen if you stretch your ring finger with your thumb! You’ll be truly sh0cked!


How to do it:

  • Sit in a lotus posture and keep your hand on the knee
  • Touch the tip of the thumb with the tip of your index finger
  • Leave the other three fingers free, whether straight or close together.


  • Refresh your mind and enhance your ability to concentrate.
  • Your brain power will be strong and smart.
  • Cure insomnia.
  • Keep you away from stress and depression.


How to do it:

  • Bend your index finger toward your palm
  • Press down with the base of your thumb.
  • Maintain the rest of your three fingers extended as much as possible.


  • Get rid of excess gas from your body.
  • Ease many problems such as: flatulence, constipation, cervical spondylitis, arthritis, etc.


How to do it:

  • Touch the tip of your ring finger to the tip of your thumb
  • Press the two fingers together, leaving the other fingers spread apart.


  • Handle the Earth element in your body.
  • Enhances your body weight, bl00d circulation, digestion and problems related with vitamin deficiency .


How to do it:

  • Close your ring finger toward your palm and press the second phalanx with the base of your thumb.
  • Keep the rest of your fingers extended.

Benefits :

  • Decrease cholesterol levels in your body, reduce fat, enhance your metabolism and improve the entire immune system.


How to do it:

  • Simply touch your little finger to the tip of your thumb and press down!
  • Keep the rest of your fingers straight. The preferred position is to sit cross-legged.


  • Enhances your blood circulation and weakens various types of body pain.
  • Brings back taste sensations and eases dry mouth.


How to do it:

  • The first phalanx of your middle finger should be pressed against the base of your thumb.


  • Be useful in cases of ENT problems (ear, nose, tongue), vertigo and motion sickness.


How to do it:

  • Bend your little finger and ring finger
  • Touch these two fingers with the tip of your thumb.


  • Feel much more strong and boost the body’s immunity.
  • Avoid fatigue.

Doctors reveal the one bl00d type which has the lowest risk of canc3r

As well as potentially saving your life in emergency events, some experts say that knowing which bl00d group you belong to could also boost in handling longer term health conditions – specifically, canc3r.

A study carried out in 2015 reportedly ruled that only one of the four blood groups had been connected to a weakened chance of developing certain strains of the disease. But which?

Looking for your bl00d type

It’s crucial to note, however, that this isn’t the type of info that the NHS member of staff taking your bl00d will present voluntarily. In fact, most people only find out their bl00d group when being treated for a specific health condition.

As we say, there are four ‘types’ of blood. Every person is either:

  • A
  • B
  • AB
  • O

Each of these four groups can then be further analyzed, as either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ – so, you could possibly be A-positive, B-negative, O-negative, AB-positive, etc. This refers to whether or not your blood carries something called the Rh protein.

Which bl00d group is connected to a weakened chance of developing

As we say, in recent decades, in-depth studies have attempted to determine whether certain bl00d groups dictate the likelihood of being diagnosed with a certain condition.

Yesterday, it is reported that Type O individuals have a lessened chance of being dealt a form of heart disease – possibly in comparison to other bl00d groups having certain clotting factors caused by solidifying proteins.

It’s further sad news for types A, B and AB, being that these three bl00d groups have also been closely related to a higher risk of developing stomach canc3r.

As we say, a 2015 study has ruled that the Type O blood group has a weakened risk of such a diagnosis – though, it’s crucial to note that no significant relationship between bl00d groups and mortality rates in cases.

Such was also the pattern in pancreatic canc3r diagnoses – with Types A, B, and AB blood types having an increased risk.

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