The tragic story of Phillip Herron: A call for more compassion

 Phillip Herron was a single father of three who struggled with a heavy burden of debt. Unable to find a way out, he decided to take his own life. This photo shows him in his final moments.

His financial situation worsened when there was a delay in receiving a payday loan he had applied for. The waiting period for this loan was five weeks. At the time of his tragic death, Herron had only $4.61 left in his bank account.

At this time, he felt totally hopeless and trapped.

Those around him, including his family and friends, were unaware of the problems Herron faced because he never shared his struggles with any of them.

What made things even more heartbreaking was that this dad had to tell his children that Santa Claus wouldn’t be visiting them that year. In the letter he left, Herron wrote that he believed his children would be better off without him in their lives.

This story is a painful reminder of the need of open conversation, compassion, and support.


When we face troubles, we need to find the strength to share our feelings and deepest fears with those around us and seek help. That way, we can build a society that supports one another in our most vulnerable times.

We should also be more observant, because there are people around us who suffer in silence.

Hopefully, we, as a nation, would be able to create a positive change.

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